
Fast Weight Loss/Fat Burn

You'll be able to burn fat and lose weight on a program that's not only going to get you into the best shape ever, but also won't cut into your personal life. Prison Fit promotes a well-balanced, fun and healthy approach to achieving amazing results. This program can be used by men and women. At only 4 - 5 hours of workout time a week, this will melt the fat away. Macro based meal plan fully custom to your body composition and goals. Easy to read Charts created to show exactly what macros and calories you should be eating to shred fat while maintaining muscle. Example Diets with a variety of meal/snack options. You can follow these exactly or use them as a guide to create your own meal plan based on your personal calories/macros. FULL AT-HOME WORKOUT training program specifically targeted to help you burn fat while maintaining existing muscle mass Cardio guidelines specifically for fat burning.

Plan Includes

  • Full Assessment

  • Bi-Weekly progress picture check-ins.

  • Updates/Revisions to your program as needed to ensure we're continuing to see results and reach your goals.

  • Open to Men and Women

  • Supplement Guidance

  • Detailed and very easy to follow program

  • A personalized diet plan according to what you prefer in our consultation with plenty of meal options and flexibility

  • A variety of different workouts weekly

  • Home or Gym

  • 24/7 text support for questions, concerns or motivation

  • Open for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced

  • My full support on your journey. We're in this together.

  • Real results if you're willing to put in the real work.

  • Available Worldwide

Select Plan
SAVE 29%
3 months

One Time Payment





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